

Thursday, June 17, 2010

So I'm already on a new post, what gives?

Okay, well I've decided to also post my goals that I want to reach, I'm giving myself til the end of the summer, but I'd like to get to them as soon as possible, obviously:

  1. Take old computer tower and effing get it fixed so I can transfer our music to the new home computer!
  2. Not super happy with my weight or how I eat. A friend is makin' me a chart--she's a nutritionist major--and I wanna start following it. Plus another twitter buddy mentioned making a running goal of a mile each day.
  3. Try and secure that internship at World Cafe Live.
  4. Work my mojo and magic when I go to the conference/vacation this year with my dad. I gotta work those big businessmen on giving me a job
^^Now for those who really know me, understand for #2. I'll be walking forever before the running starts *grins*

Um...well that's all I have so far if anything needs revisions, they'll be added to the list, but probably not in numerical order, because the bullet-thingy on the blogger works for shit, so

Oh and I'm also signing every (now, that is) post with a sleepy pic :)....

Girl in bed...

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